Senin, 19 Desember 2011


Her feeling is growing up too fast. She don't know how to stop it. She just wants you to be hers. You make her goes so asjfhlakjfekljgl:"alf;aklgksjdgnjdhklet. She can't even understands what she's feeling exactly. She's so broken. She is so fucking jealous with your girlfriend. She hates your girlfriend. Her heart belongs with you. Some boys already come out to make her life so colorful but she's still the same. There's no spaces for other boys in her heart except you. She wants you. She needs you in her life. She wants you to be her bestfriend. She wants you to hug her.She wants you to be her teacher. She wants you to kiss her. She thinks about you all the time.You're just like her sunshine and sunrise. She mentions your name everyday. She says she likes you but the truth is she loves you more than anything. She couldn't move on. She keeps play the music that remind her of you. She checks your timeline everyday. She really loves you, doesnt she? She wonders when will you realize it. She repeatedly asks "do i ever crossed your mind?" She repeatedly asks "when will I have long conversations with you?". Her friends know it. She knows that her friends tired as hell to hear his name. She knows that she wants something that wouldn't happen. She knows he'll never love her. She knows it but she's still waiting for you although she's so damn tired. She's hurt. She couldnt cry. She keeps waiting. You're so lucky because there're 2 persons who loved you the most. SHE CAN'T STANDS HER FEELING BUT SHE KEEPS IT.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011


Guys, this is awkward. I'm missing my junior high friends now and forever.

OMFG. I wish you could read what i've already wrote.
Gue gatau harus gimana biar gue bisa ke smp lagi. BUKAAAAN. bkn karna gue gamau lulus. MASA2 DI TUNAS ITU GADA TANDINGANNYA. KANGEN SEMUANYA BGTBGTBGTAN:(:(:(:(
Gue kangen selow selow di tunas. Gue kangen gada pelajaran remedial even when the score should be 8. Gue kangen pas Ms. Ayu dateng gue lgsg teriak "ms i will take the scrables". Gue kangen pas nanya pak Tri, "pak, punya twitter gak?" "punya, segini *nunjuk paha*" " BAPAK ITU SWEETER!!". Gue kangen pas OR pas pertama pemanasan yg ngitung gue doang. Gue kangen ngobrol di tante lola. Gue kangen pesen teh di om samping wawan. Gue kangen beli mi ayam di tante ndut. Gue kangen mainin skateboard waktu jam kosong walau cuma menjelajahi koridor. Gue kangen gowes bareng anak2. Gue kangen fixie ipam (?). Gue kangen berantem sama Carissa. Gue kangen berantem sama gaga&saling bilang "gaada temen kaya lo sho" HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Gue kangen panas2an demi nyuruh anak2 bkn huruf GLOW. Gue kangen OSIS. Gue kangen waktu lg nge jjm ade kelas akhir2nya gue yg di jjm. Gue kangen pa Heri. Gue kangen bu Harti. Gue kangen PAK DEDDY. Gue kangen bu Mei. Gue kangen bu Mar. Gue kangen bu Neneng. GUE KANGEN SEMUA GURU TUNAS. Gue kangen bgt pas Ali blg "shoo bagi duit. Liat nih dompet gue kosong" padahal duitnya diumpetin. Gue kangen foto2 bareng anak2. Gue kangen bgt jalan sama Samoco. Gue kangen bgt main sama Rvl. Gue kangen jajan di pakde. Gue kangen duduk2 di aula. Gue kangen main pencet2an idung. Gue kangen main gampar2an. I MISS EVERY-LITTLE-THINGS WE'VE DONE TOGETHER. GUE KANGEN UPACARA SEBELUM UN. GUE KANGENNNNNN SEMUA NYET. CAN I GO BACK TO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL WITH GLOW EVEN JUST OFR A DYA!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

5 itu bener2 beda bgt sama Tunas.
Di 5 gada yg misalkan kelas A kosong, beberapa muridnya kekelas B terus sok2an belajar padahal mah ngerokes. Di 5 gada kalo misalkan ada yg ulang tahun ngerjainnya bareng guru-_-
HAH. Yaudahlahya, emang sekolah itu beda2. Enjoy your life!<3


Selasa, 29 November 2011


it's about my class.

I got some names for my class:
1. ORBITS (created by Wowo)
2. TEPOS (created by Nuna)
3. PANCI (created by Faiz)
4. INTENSEVE (created by Faiz)

Which one is better eh? none of them? yea jk.

Hari pertama masuk kelas Tepos gue lgsg mikir, ' aduh muka anak2nya muka buku semuaaaa, mau ngobrol sama siapa gue? kalo ganyambung gmn? kl mereka ngomongin pelajaran terus gmn? mau ngobrol ttg dudes sama siapa gue?? ok brb mati"

Ternyata gue salah. SALAH TOTAL. Engga total2 bgt sih. Ternyata anak2nya itu blangsakan gajadi gitu wkwkw jk. Rameeeeeeeeeeeeeenya ganahan bgt. Setiap pelajaran kosong, disuruh bu Uci tutor sebaya, tp gapernah dilakuin-_- Cerita lebih lengkapnya.........baca lah nak,xixi.

Pertama gue duduk sama Rivy karna emg gue se gugus sama dia. Depan gue Shofa, tadinya Shofa sendiri, terus Jeihan dateng gt trs jbjb gajelas sama Shofa. Geli? Geli bgt! wkwkw cnd jei:*

Bu Uci masuk kelas & ngomongin struktur kelas, bu Uci nanya, "siapa yg mau nulis dipapan tulis bantuin ibu?" Karna kebiasaan wkt SMP rebutan nulis di papan tulis gr2 males nyatet, jd gue yg ujung2 nya gue nulis karna gue sekertaris. Nyesek?bgt! Aja deng. Pas pemilihan struktur kelas itu ributnyaaaaaaaaaaaaah kaya pasar malem.
Seinget gue, gue gapernah liat Dame sama Rijal pas pertama kali masuk. Gue inget bgt wkt pemilihan siapa yg jd Sie. Kebersihan, orang2 nunjuk Goklas. Jd Sie. Agama, orang2 nunjuk Goklas, setiap Sie. pasti dia ditunjuk tp dia gamau sama sekali-...-

X7 gakalah asik sama 71,81,92. Gue ngerasa nyaman sm temen2 SMA gue. Semua anak2 yg asal2an gajadi gt tuh ada semua di kelas. Gasemua sih, cuma ya 70% adalah. Kenapa gue ngomong gt? Krn beberapa hari yg laluuuuuu, Ruden,Goki & Adip dll ngelipet celananya gt sampe dengkul macem orang kebanjiran gitu dan itu bkn gue kangeeeeeeeeeeen bgt samaa Ipam, Wawan, Pacil, Gaga, Kolev, Rifky & Heru dll. They used to do that. Kl udah kangen tmn2 SMP, cuma bisa inhale-exhale :""

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Can't stop listening to this.

You're on the phone, with your girlfriend
She's upset, she's going off about
Something that you said
she doesn't get your humor like I do

I'm in the room it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
She'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you been here all along
So why can't you see 
you belong with me you belong with me.

Walking the streets with you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile since she brought you down
You say you're fine I know you better than that
Hey what you doing with a girl like that

She wears high heels I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for gas been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you been here all along
So why can't you see 
you belong with me you belong with me.

Oh, I remember
You driving to my house iIn the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry and I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see that I'm the one
Who understands you been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me.

Standing by and waiting at your backdoor
All this time how could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me.

You belong with me.
Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me

I will tell you everything that happened for me today -2

Gue balik keatas..
Gue balik sekitar jam stengah 1 lebih, dan gue lg asik ngeliatin Goki main gitar dan gue mencoba memahami semua kunci gitarnya alhamdulillah yah gue udah lupa semuanya skrg. Dan pas gue liat jam, udah jam 1!!!!! UDAH JAM 1 OIIIII!!!1!!! Gue shock karna td bu Uci bilang "ntr dari jam stengah 1 sampe jam 1, dikasih waktu buat beres2" gubrak. Akhirnya anak2 pada keluar dan yg berkepentingan doang yg ada dikelas buat beres2. Gue keluar kelas main gitar ajeye. *Soksok bisa padahal gabisa sama sekali*  

Pas lagi main gitar, ternyata kelas X-6 lg belajar fisika yang gurunya kece bgt yaitu bu Sukrini. Semangat semangat semangat. Ditegorlah kita yg diluar berisik, disuruh berhenti main gitar. Tp kami pasukan Tepos tetap bersikeras untuk ttp main gitar dg suara yg pelan. Gitar tadinya ditangan gue, trs gue mau ke Bu sosiologi tercinta yang udah kira2 5 abad ga ngajar dikelas gue #plak, gitar pun gue kasih Rizka, ternyata tiba2 bu Rini keluar dan ambil gitarnya.. pas masuk ke X-6, si Caya dr belakang pengen nonjok gitu, gue cuma berharap dia beneran nonjok. Kita gabisa apa2 kecuali ngomong smth.

Kelas udah selesai di bersihin, beberapa orang balik kekelas. Dikelas anak2 pada ngomongin nobar.... Gue lgsg pengen nangis karna gue yang tadinya udah dpt tiket lgsg di GBK, gajadi nonton karna ternyata tiket om gue dicaloin ke yg lain, okok cobaan nambah lg ya. Back to december, eh back to the topic.. anak2 pada ngajakin nobar di KFC pangkalan jati..tapi para wanita2 kece gabisa karna emg lokasi rumah yg bener2 ga strategis-_- Akhirnya ada yg nyeletuk bilang, "udah, dirumah Anju aja" ok lokasinya makin menyebalkan.
Tp ternyata rumah Anju itu di Jatibening *guesoksokantau* Anju jelasin ke Shafira ribet bgt... Saatnya gue minta jelasin ulang dimana lokasi rumahnya, ujung2nya gue nyebut Wartas HAHAHA jd kangen SMP T^T.
Intinya anak2 udh pada fix dirumah Anju, gue jg udah seneng pd boleh dan gue udh mau ikut gt ternyata.................pada mau ngumpul abis Maghrib. Lgsg fix gue gajadi ikut, hfh. Kelas sepi..yang tadinya bacot karna ada Goki, Anju, Dame dll tp mereka Rohkris..

Gue keluar dan lgsng kekelas Wulan.. Ada Sikit dan Dessy.. Gue lupa awalnya ngomongin apaan trs tb2 gue ngomong "Kit, YMAS februari dateng ye! Tae bgt, Simple Plan Januari, YMAS Februari, duit drmn gue" "iya, gue gue gabegitu suka YMAS sih" blablabla terjadi percakapan yang gue lupa apaan tb2 ngomongin konser ARTTM. Sikit ngomong "Sho, gue sama Aya berdiri didepannya Halvo." Hati gue lgsg kaya ketusuk2 jarum gt cekiit cekiitt sikit sikiiit eh salah ha. Sikit bener2 manas2in gue bgt, dia blg "td nya gue dibelakang pas HM, trs lama2 org2 pada mundur, yaudah gue maju sama Aya..pas ARTTM lg. Didepan halvo lagi" BABI. Gue bnr2 penasaran apa cerita selanjutnya, tp gue udah ga kuat karna pas nonton konser, gue yg udh dapet paling depan, keluar pindah ke belakang gr2 gakuat didorong2. Gue udah mencoba nahan nangis, tp gabisa. Air mata pun menetes, sedih bgtttt. Gue udh bnr2 bilang "kit udah ah tai lu, udah lu sono pergi" biar dia stop ngomongin ARTTM, ternyata engga. Dia baru stop pas gue nangis. Gue tau pasti lo semua mikir gue lebay, tp gmn lg yah..........terlalu terobsesi. Gue nangis, Sikit seneng. Kampret emg.

Trs gue kekantin sama Wulan sama Dessy nyamperin Ditha sama Icha. Lg asik2 ngobrol, tb2 Ditha blg "sho!! liat belakang!!!'' gue Shock dan lgsg liat belakang, tiba2 ada DOOOOOOOOOI! HA-HA-HA. Tepat dibelakang gue. Lo gatau seberapa shock+senengnya gue kan. MWEHEHEHE. Dia beli Euceu *trsknp* EH si dessy jg beli Euceu tanpa ngajak2 gue. Wah ngajak ribut ya emg, dia berdiri samping2an jir-_- ok gapapa. Selo. Dia balik duluan dr kantin, pas gue ke parkiran......... JENGJENGJEEEEEEEEEENG. Dia lg senderan di Vixionnya sambil minum.. Motor ditha gajauh dr motor doi, trs ya seperti biasa.. anak2 pada ngecengin. babi emg. Ntr kalo dia terbang gada yg mau narik dia lg.. Trs ditha ngeluarin motornya.. Gue duduk miring tuh pertamanya, gue berniat buat duduk miring cuma sampe gerbang.. Pas baru duduk miring, Tiwi, Cathy dan siapa gue lupa pd bilang "ih aqsho duduknya cewek bangettt.." Maksud LLLLLL selama ini gue blm cewe bgt?-_- Gue pun ngomong "iya udah yak iyaiya gue duduk biasa aja dehya" dg suara yg rada kenceng dan gue gatau apakah doi denger atau engga, karna kl iya..gue brb mati :" wakakak gadeng.
Motor Ditha pun jalan dan belakangnya motor Ditha, motor doi. ADUHADUH natap bermenit2 tuh gue. WKWK. Tiba2 pas udah di gerbang, ada cewe naikin motornya dia, dan ternyata mereka pulang bareng.... #nowplaying chrisye-pupus & olga - hancur hatiku. TROLOLOL JK.

Cobaan gue udah berapa tuh hari ini? Sedih bgt  yah hidup gue. Terus2an dibikin jatoh abis terbang tinggi2 :")


Senin, 21 November 2011

I will tell you everything that happened for me today -1

Read it, but DON'T LAUGH :')

Senin, 21 November 2011..

Pagi2 gue udah bingung gimana berangkat sekolah karna jemputan gue berhenti, tp Alhamdulillah yah karna gue akhirnya bisa bareng sama Ditha. Jd...gue sama Ditha, Icha sama Dessy dan Wulan sama GM. Berangkat kesekolah tuh.....

Sampe sekolah jam stengah 7an gt, karna gue blm selesai tugas seni budaya yang melukis, gue nyari2 cat cokelat karna cat cokelat gue abis *miris bgt ya :'*  ternyata no one bring their acrylic i thought that my live would end loljk. Nadila dateng dan gue tanya aja, 'bawa cat cokelat gak?' 'enggak, tp gue tau gimana cara bikin warna cokelat' hidup gue yang tadi nya gelap kaya mati lampu tiba2 lgsng terang bercahaya karna ternyata gue udah bayar PLN ha gadeng karna kedatangan seseorang yg telah menyelamatkan hidup gue yaitu Nadila ha to the ha.
Selesai gue ngecat, bel masuk bunyi dan it means kita semua harus upacara.. panasnya ganahan bgt..gue udah pindah kedepan tp ttp dpt cahaya matahari. Ya, memang kita tidak bisa mengubah nasib wg. Gue mikir 'upacara gabakal sampe jam 9, tenang aja sho.' ternyataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa amanat dari Pembina Upacara itu lamanya kaya orang jalan kaki dari rumah gue ke SMAN 5. Gue udah pengen duduk, tp bisa2 gue dpt hukuman dr papi Rojak ehe canda pak. Pertama Pembina Upacara Bu Euis, seharusnya bu Srisun, tp bu Srisun telat.. pas bu Euis udah detik2 terakhir ngomong...... jengjengjeng bu Srisun dateng!!! Astagaaaaaaaaaa hidup gue mulai menderita untuk ke3 kalinya hari ini. Gue pikir, karna td bu Euis udah panjang x lebar ngomongnya, bu Srisun cuma sebentar ngomongnya, ternyata engga. Ngomongnya gak kalah lama dari bu Euis!! Ok hidup gue lg diuji nih hari ini.
Selesai amanat, gue kira udah gada apa2 lg dan pemimpin upacara bakal bilang " balik kanan bubar jalan " ternyata ENGGAAAAAAAAAAAAK, Masih ada nyanyi bareng..bukan, bukan karokean terus doá bareng..bukan, bukan doain biar acara pernikahan Andika Pratama sama Ussy berjalan dengan lancar. Gue bersabar lebih lama.. Gue berharap, gue gabakal dapet cobaan lagi hari ini ternyata Tuhan berkehendak lain..

Saat baju gue udah selesai dan alhamdulillah yah ada org bilang 'sho, gue beli dong baju sayang itu M ukurannya, coba XL' gue lgsng pura2 mati kaya gayanya Raditya Dika..disaat gue butuh uang..uang itu melayang jauh seperti kupu2 yg gue gambar di baju :'''
Pas gue ngumpulin, gue takut karna gambar gue ancur seancur2nya ancur..bu Uci bilang, 'kamu bisa dapet nilai lebih bagus kalo cat yg putih2 ini kamu kasih pola.. kumpulin hari kamis ya..' gue sebenernya mau nolak tp apa daya karna nilai itu buat UAS, gue menerima tawaran guru tersebut *apansi*

Seni Budaya telah selesai, pelajaran Kimia menunggu diluar.. Ternyata subhanallah ya sesuatu bangeeet bu Henny lg sibuk UKS. Tadinya, kita dikasih tugas ngerjain LKS bab 5, tp bab 5 itu bener2 blm diajarin..what a lovely teacha. Kita semua pun akhirnya belajar Geografi yang bakal ulangan...
Gue prefer belajar dibelakang dan duduk dilantai karna entah mengapa emang itu pewe banget, bukan yaaaa bukan karna gue ndeso. Pas gue duduk dibelakang sama Jeihan, Goki sama Dame lagi ngomongin utang priutang-_-tiba2 cewe teriak.. dan itu Shofa!! Ternyata tiba2 ada kadal di kelas EWWWW.  Gue pun pindah dari duduk dibelakang jd duduk ditempat gue berasal. Tiba2 pada jejel2an kadal, kata shafira "sho, stay cool sho, biar kita ga di jejelin'' ok, gue ikutin sarannya. Rivy si manusia kadal mengarah ke tempat duduk gue, karna gue udah terlanjur merinding, gue deketin shafira yang lg ngerjain Senbud.. Karna si Rivy semakin dekaaaaat..gue panik dan akhirnya gue dempet2 si Shafira. Anak2 pd bilang ''sho kaki lo sho!!" dan gue emg merasa something di kaki gue makanya gue lepas sepatu gue dan gue langsung loncat ke pangkuannya Shafira sang ibunda wgwg. Gue gatau seberapa malunya gue dan gue bodo amat deh ya. Merinding gitu punggung gue. *cobaan ke 100000000000000 hari ini* gadeng.

Pelajaran Kimia berakhir dan gantian Geografi.. TERNYATA BU CICI SIBUK UKS, BATAL ULANGAN LAGI YA! bhja,hbsfljakf;l.
Bel istirahat ke2 bunyi dan karna gue laper yah, jd gue ke kantin sama Nadila. Pas di kantin, gue bertemu dengan manusia2 kampret entah dari mana asalnya (re: anak2 cowo kelas x-7) dan as always..kalo disitu ada Goki dan ada Rian... pasti gue kena cengan... tp gue tetep stay cool karna emg gue cool..tinggal tambahin cas...jadi coolcas Kbye.
Gue makan sama Nadila dideket Jasmine dkk. Tiba2 Jasmine ngecengin Adip sama Fani. Gue kira itu cuma bercandaan, ternyata gue salah. MEREKA SALING SUKA LOHH MWAHAHAHA, LUMAYAN GOSSIP BARU *devillaughs* Ok selesai kejadian di kantin.

-to be continued-

Jumat, 18 November 2011

it happens suddenly.

Iseng2 buka timeline ade kelas........gue liat avatarnya dia untuk ke beribu2 kalinya. Gada apa2 wkt gue liat, cuma nyesek beribu2 nyesek aja ya pas liat meluk halvo. NYESEK. Why the fuck i prefered to met my crush than A ROCKET TO THE FUCKING MOOOOOON. BENCI. ALAJSHFLKSAJF GUA BENCI BGT SAMA LO DAAAAAAAAAAAAANSSSSS.
back to the story

gue liat fotonya lamaaaa bgt, ga lama2 bgt siih, ya kaya orang lg nahan kentut pas lg banyak orang lah kbye. Pas gue liat2, senyumnya ade kelas gue dan ketawanya Halvo+senyumnya Justin itu bikin gue bener2 nangissssssssss. HE HUGGED HALVO. HAL TO THE VO. H TO THE A TO THE L TO THE V TO THE O. IF ONLY IT WAS ME SURELY IM GOING TO DIE. testestesss tiba2 nangis. GUE KANGEN HALVO NYET.

Nangis makin kejer saat dengerin Don't give up on us accoustic version and the new song 'some days' HOAAAAAAAAAHM. Why the hell is band dudes so awesome esp Halvo, John and Pat and maybe all of them. Penyakit fangirling ketularan si ade kelas dan gue cuma pengen bilang 'thanks for ur sickness. me luv u'

P.S : it hurts to being fangirl, think it much before u decided to be fangirl or if u prefer to jump to the conclusion that u want to be fangirl.........u'll insane.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

I'm crazy about them, don't you dare to mock them.

        Eric Halvorsen with Justin Richard
A ROCKET TO THE MOON                                                    
 Nicholas Bernard Santino                                                             
   Nick Santino with Justin Richard                                                        
John Cornelius O'Callaghan                                                              
Eric Halvorsen with Andrew Cook                                                         

 Gabriel Saporta
 Sierra Kusterback
 Cameron Leahy
 Cameron Leahy
 Eric Jones
 Andrew Cook with Justin Richard
 Cameron Leahy
 Garrett Nickelsen
 Kennedy Brock
 Patrick Kirch

 John Cornelius O'callaghan

 Eric with Blake Harnage
 Sierra with Justin
 Eric, *iforgot* , Justin, Nick
 Andrew with Nick
 John Ohh


 Sierra brought Gabe

Brendon Urie
Well, there're still so fucking much pictures about bands, but I know it'd kill me if I upload all of them.

Jumat, 04 November 2011

i miss Cameron, David and Eric

This is what i hate the most after met dudes that i loved.
I miss Cameron Leahy, David Pavluk and Eric Jones, its already 4 months since i met them..since cam hugged me..since david tried to cover me when the photographer started to take some pictures and i miss Eric's silly-behavior. Well, its okay that bcz i miss cameron and david because i know i'll meet them again next year *amin* but i can't meet eric.........bcz he had resign from The Downtown Fiction...
I read what was eric said, and when i read it..its like....................AJHFLKAJGFAK:RIYEFLAHSF ERIC I HATE U. I want to slap him, i want to eat him, i want to kill him or maybe i want to have dinner with him LOLJK.


I just love this quotes much.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

can't stop and won't stop to listen this song.

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
[ From: ]
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here

Kamis, 29 September 2011


I'm tired enough to fan-girling over dudes. I'm tired but i can't stand it. They make me so desperate. Why on earth they were born? why they should be so awesome? why they should be so handsome? WHY I KNOW THEM?!!!!!!!!!?!?!????????! Ok.

Everybody should know who are they..
1. A Rocket To The Moon
   The personels are Nicholas Bernard Santino (singer) Justin Richard (guitar) Eric James Halvorsen (bassist) Andrew Stephen Cook (drummer) . They're who i loved the most. They're who ever made me cry :")
2. The Maine
   The personels are John Cornelius O'Callaghan V (Singer) Kennedy Brock ( Guitarist ) Jared James Monaco (Guitarist) Garret Daniel Nickelsen (bassist) Patrick Kirch (drummer). They're whom i left the concert when they were in Indonesia :)
3. The Summer Set
   The personels are Brian Logan Dales (singer) Stephen James Gomez (bassist) John Christoper Gomez (guitarist) Jess Bowen (drummer) Josh Montgomery (guitar)
4. We Are The In Crowd
   I don't remember who are the personels, the only I remember are Taylor Jardine as Singer and Cameron Hurley as guitarist
5. Versa Emerge
  The personels are only Sierra Kusterbeck (singer) and Blake Harnage (guitarist)
6. The Downtown Fiction
  The personels are Cameron Leahy (singer) David Pavluk (guitarist) and Wes Diamond (guitarist). Eric Jones was one of the personels, but he resign from TDF :")
7. Never Shout Never
  I don't even remember who are the personels, the only i remember is Christhoper Drew Ingle..he's so fucking cute!

Senin, 26 September 2011


Hi guys. I'm Aqsha.
well i bet you guys know who i am LOL.

Saatnya curhat...
Gue mau curhat nih, gue selalu tergiur buat bikin blog kl orang2 punya blog. Abis gue bikin, gue lupa password abis itu bikin lagi abis itu lupa lagi.. begitu seterusnya. Gue sampe bosen-_- wkwkwk ok never mind.
Ini kalo udah diitung2, blog yg ini nih itu blog yg ke 999999999999999999 yg pernah gue bikin. Stressya wwkwk gepepe gepepe ^oo^